Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Have I been found out?!!!! =0

Heart racing, mind wandering, eyes flinching, mouth dry.....are these the signs of a guilty man? hehehe

OK you'll remember the cinnamon roll right... well when I walked in my office today, sitting on my desk.... is not one, not two, but 3 freshly baked, warm in the middle, juicy sweet icing, dripping down the sides cinnamon rolls.... with a note on them.... "Lets see what you have to say about these" and a smiley face. errrr ummm IIIIIII well.... yea, be still my heart!

But I'll tell ya, they are delicious! I could describe every bite if you like.... but I've already done that here.... let me say that again.... I've already done that here..... grrrrr OK LilBit or Me.... how do I make the reference to a previous post so when you click on here it goes to there?

Anywho.... I'll try to get that figured out, in the mean time... when I get time, I'll post one of my favorite sexcapades (that a word? or even spelled right?) involving some light bondage when I get the time.


At 12:46 PM, Blogger Theresa said...

oh my gosh! i laughed so hard, not at him not asking you, but you saying it would make me laugh! (did that make sense???)

ok here is how you do it. go to the post you want to link to and click on the time of the post, it will show you the permanent link. highlight that, and copy it. now go to the place you post your entries and click on the little button that looks like a word with a staple on it. in that box, paste what you copied. that will put the link in your post. one of the last set of symbols is the greater than and less than signs..i can't type them here because they are command keys. but if you type something in between there, that's what the link will be called.

Good luck. If you need any further help, let me know and I'll give you my phone number. just so i can help. cause i'm like that!! NO SIR AZ!!!!! I WAS ONLY THINKING ABOUT HELPING!! and discussing pastries - big smile -

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Theresa said...

that little button would be a WORLD..not word..with a staple on it...sheesh...some help i am!

At 7:46 PM, Blogger Lil Bit said...

LOL! Found out, eh? Too funny....
Told ya I'd help ya w/the HTML stuff... just email me or catch me on IM. =P


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